
Madeline Kovarik, Ed.D.

Madeline Kovarik has devoted her professional life to education. Starting as an elementary school teacher, Madeline has served as a Primary Specialist, Guidance Counselor and school administrator.

In 1989, she formed Hypertech Systems, Inc. and won a Small Business Innovative Research grant from NASA Jet Propulsion Lab to explore the use of the data and photographs of Mars to build an interactive, learning experience for students. The work was presented at the Intelligent Computer Aided Training conference held at NASA Johnson Space Center.

Vincent Kovarik, Jr., Ph.D.

Vince Kovarik’s experience ranges across multiple domains and disciplines including Artificial Intelligence, Software Defined Radio, Cognitive Radio, product development, knowledge acquisition, systems and software development and management and quantum computing.

A partial list of representative projects include:

  • Resiliency Evaluation, Assessment and Contingency Tools (REACT), NASA Ames Research Center, Phase I SBIR
  • Insertion of neXt Gen (XG) Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) technology into a fielded tactical radio system, DARPA.
  • Development of an SCA compliant Satellite Communications (SATCOM) radio system, Internal Research and Development project.
  • Passive Knowledge Acquisition, NASA Johnson Space Center Phase I and II SBIR.

Throughout his career, independent of the project or domain, a fundamental tenet of Vince’s approach to a project or engagement is to assess the objectives or goals with a wider, systemic perspective instead of simply “meeting the requirements.” The latter yields a solution that is brittle and functions only within specific boundaries while the former approach not only meets the immediate needs but lays a foundation for the future.